The City Budget is OUR Budget: We want your input!

I am encouraging all residents to attend and participate in upcoming public workshops. We want your input when making funding decisions for city projects and programs. Community Budget Workshops will be held in each city district:

July 22, 2019, 6:00 p.m.        Fire Station #3, 5050 Broadway (District 1)

July 23, 2019, 6:00 p.m.        Fire Station #5, 700 N. Congress (District 2)

July 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m.        City Hall, Flagler Gallery (District 3)

July 30, 2019, 6:00 p.m.        Fire Station #7, 8007 Okeechobee Boulevard (District 5)

August 1, 2019, 6:00 p.m.     U.B. Kinsey Community Center, 720 8th Street (District 3)

August 6, 2019, 6:00 p.m.     South Olive Center, 345 Summa St. (District 5)

For more info about city finances and budget visit:

District 5 Updates!

South Olive Tennis Center: Renovation!

Construction of the new South Olive Tennis Center is beginning this Summer! The project is very special to me because of all the time and hard work it took to reach this point. I am especially proudof the amount of community involvement in the process and the level of input we received from residents truly made this a community-centered project! The center will also be the first facility to achieve Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEAD) Silver Certification for the City of West Palm BeachParks and Recreation Department. Guests and residents alike will enjoy larger locker rooms with more storage at new facility andwill feature many more amenities than the historic center. I cannot wait for its completion and a chance to share in the fun!

Making room for bicycles!

West Palm Beach is on track to becoming a greener more pedestrian friendly city! Thanks to the Vision Zero Initiative, we are making important strides towards keeping bicyclists safe. Designated paths help cyclists stay clear of motor vehicle traffic and through the introduction of new cycle tracks riders will stay happy and safe while they trek to and from home, work or play.

I am excited to announce that these bicycle lanes are being constructed and some have already been completed in District 5! They are located on:

  • Lake Ave. from Maddock St. to Southern Blvd.(Completed)
  • North from Southern Blvd. to Belvedere Ave. (To Begin Construction)
  • Flagler Dr. from Summa St. to Worth Ct. (Awaiting Approval)

These tracks are a proven way to increase bike ridership by encouraging commuters to ride instead of drive. Studies show that these lanes also decreasecollisions between cyclists, pedestrians and automobiles. On top of that, bike riding is a great way to lower emissions around our community and not to mention a perfect way to stay in shape!

Flamingo Park Safety Improvements

The safety improvements for Flamingo Park have now been confirmed and are entering the initial phases of pre-design.  Improvements will include designated bike lanes along with a traffic calming roundabout. These new implementations will help to slow traffic and give pedestrians sufficient space to enjoy this historic West Palm Beach neighborhood.

July 4th is always a BLAST

This year’s 4th of July was fantastic! The fireworks and BBQs maybe have been the best yet! Seriously, this year’s 4th on Flagler event was one for the record books. Presented by the City of West Palm Beach, the 31st Annual 4th on Flagler was free for the public and topped the list as one of the biggest Independence Day celebrations in South Florida! Nearly 100,000 guests celebrated independence and showed their pride for the great USA. If you missed it, never fear, there is always next year! Chances are the festivities will only get better! A special thank you to everyone, from staff to sponsors, who helped put on the best 4th of July firework show around, because of you the night was truly a success!

Citywide Park Improvements: Right on Schedule

$23 million is budgeted for park and community center renovation projects over a five-year period between FY 2016-2021. The projects are funded by City funds, bond funds, and one-cent sales tax revenues. This year nearly $12 million will pay for park upgrades and new constructions.

Latest park improvements:

  • A new playground at Mary Brandon Park at 700 Maddock St.
  • A new playground and pavilion at Chillingworth Park at 414 Erie Pl.
  • Pre-construction work started on pedestrian pathways and a pavilion at Gaines Park at 1501 N Australian Avenue

To learn more about the City Parks Improvements Project visit:

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